Summer 2003 | Devoted to my travels in Europe in the Summer of 2003 |
Ida-Kaz Dagi | Exploring the Aegean coast in May 2003 |
Alaska 2002 | My travels in Alaska, US, in summer 2002 |
Views of Istanbul | Some beautiful pictures of my home city |
Hiking | The hikes I have had in Turkey, mainly around Istanbul |
Glider Flying | The flying camp I attended in Germany in 1998 |
Music | Some of the best midi sequences on the internet. |
Mavra | Humor and fun stuff |
Modelling | The Graupner Saphir and other models I have built. |
H.R.Giger Gallery | A selection of Giger's beautiful works | |
Wallpapers | Some nice computer generated wallpapers | |
Links | Categorized links |
To learn about Bogazici University which offers some of the
best views of the bosphorus, visit the page in the academic section:
Bogazici University
Two of my, which I haven't devoted much space to here, are
scuba diving and caving. I had the chance to immerse myself in the beautiful
underwater and subterranian worlds at Bogazici University. Below are the
links to the speology and underwater sports clubs at Bogazici, which can very well serve as portals on
these subjects. Stay tuned to my homepage for updates encompassing these
hobbies of mine. The links below
Bogazici University
Speleological Society (Turkish content)
BUSAS (Turkish
In recent years, I have devoted a lot of time to Rotaract
projects. You can find more information about my club through this
Official Istanbul Rotaract
Webpage (Turkish content) /
Alternatively check out the Rotaract
International Website
Please e-mail me for your questions and comments.